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Silly Moo Cowfold Cider

Silly Moo is made from traditional cider apples harvested from our 4-acre orchard. We then blend them with apples from local orchards and surplus garden apples swapped by our neighbours for cider on the farm each Autumn.

After pulping, we feed our cattle the left over apple pulp, which they get very excited about - hence the name..! The cattle then in turn fertilise the soils so we can grow better grain, effectively turning sunshine into great food and cider! We slowly ferment the juice over winter and then blend with more apple juice for an immensely fresh apple flavour.

Lusciously fruit-forward with a pleasing tannic finish, Silly Moo Cider is made by Rachel on the family farm in Sussex. She doesn't have an unkempt beard or a West Country accent, maybe that's why she makes an unusually civilised farmhouse cider.