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The Uncommon Logo

The Uncommon Wine of England

The Uncommon’s wines are breaking with tradition for the better, making award-winning wine perfect for right now.

We are the first and only makers of beautiful English bubbly. In cans. Using grapes grown and hand-picked from our vines in Surrey, Kent and Hampshire, our wines are aromatic, bright and refreshing. We’ve produced them with the can in mind, ready to burst into life whenever and wherever people want them to.

These aren’t for hiding in a cellar. These are for lido sipping, picnic supping, whetting your whistle down the dogs or even brightening up dramatic clifftop vistas. With upper lips so stiff there’s also no spillage if you take them for a dance.

And while quality of the wine is paramount, we are also the most sustainable winemaker in the country.

We are restless in the pursuit of finding better ways to wine. Locally grown, sustainably made, endlessly recyclable English wine. In cans.